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Here, you will find an overview of the features and functionality of Total Seller. Click the plus symbols to display additional information on the individual points.


Products and listings


Import existing Amazon listings

Total Seller can set a price category and a price range for automatic price adjustment during import of existing or new Amazon listings. Furthermore, missing product details can be automatically downloaded after import. (More information...)

Download FBA listings

Total Seller can download and import FBA listings and FBA inventories directly from Amazon. (More information...)

Import Amazon listings from a file

When importing from a file, you can import standard fields but also additional information such as the manufacturer or minimum or maximum price. In addition, products that are not yet online can be imported and later uploaded directly from Total Seller to Amazon. (More information...)

Automatic correction of ASINs when downloading or importing

If Amazon changes the product catalog and eliminates ASINs along the way,Total Seller can re-examine imported ASINs and correct any errors. (More information...)

Barcode scanner support for product entry

You can use a barcode scanner to automatically enter the product fields and ASIN. (More information...)

Customize the entry form for new products

Total Seller users can customize the entry form for new products so that any additional product and listing information is appropriately captured upon entry. (More information...)

Supplier order No.

The supplier order No. of a product can be stored, imported, exported and printed in Total Seller.

Display products on the Amazon site

You can display an Amazon listing product with a single click on the Web browser. To do this, select the item in the table, right-click to bring up the context menu, and select Display on Amazon.

Edit multiple products simultaneously

Go to the workspace Products > Manage or Products > Workflow Steps to change data for several products simultaneously. The feature is located in the menu under Tasks > Edit Multiple. Select the products in the table, enter the data to be changed and click on Set.

Capture of VAT rates

VAT rates can be entered for each shipping zone. (see Settings > Company Data > VAT.) Products are assigned the corresponding VAT rates and VAT is automatically calculated during order entry and shown on the invoice printout.


Price adjustment (repricing)


Specify minimum and maximum prices

Minimum and maximum prices can be entered per product. In addition, minimum and maximum prices can be entered by price category as a percentage of a list price and separately for each product condition.

Skip listings below the minimum price during price adjustment

During automatic price adjustment, listings priced below the minimum price of the product or price category can be automatically skipped.

Adjust prices depending on condition

In price categories, it can be defined that used or refurbished goods present a minimum price difference compared to listings of new products or with a better condition. For example, it could be determined that a used item should always be placed at least $4.00 under a new item as to provide the buyer with an incentive to buy used instead of new goods.

Consideration of availability and delivery time during price adjustment

Total Seller can consider the availability and delivery time of competitors' listings during automatic price adjustment. In doing so, you avoid competing against listings which are not really available to customers. (More information...)

Advanced rules for automatic price adjustment

Total Seller allows specifying additional rules during price category creation that govern the price adjustment process based on country, region, seller ID, reviews or descriptive text of other listings. Thus, for example, listings that are sent from another country are subject to a surcharge. Therefore, your own listings will become more expensive under the assumption that customers are willing to pay a little extra for faster delivery.

Additional rules for FBA listings during automatic price adjustment

You can create advanced pricing rules to calculate more accurate prices depending on the FBA and non-FBA nature of the listings. (More Information...)

Ignore listings of individual competitors

Create an advanced rule in the price category, enter the seller ID or the name of the competitor, and choose to skip all listings.

Negative values ​​in advanced rules for price adjustment

Additional rules in price categories can also specify "upward" adjustments whereby a negative value is entered as the listing adjustment.

Skip outlying listings automatically

Listings from competitors deemed to be too far from the next higher listing can be automatically skipped. The allowable distance can be adjusted in the price category.

Display rank and distance to the lowest listing

Total Seller can display after a price adjustment the listing ranking and the distance to the lowest listing in the product table. Add the column "Amz. rank in offers" ("ranking") and "Amz. distance to lowest "("Distance") to the product table.  (More informationn...)

Scheduled automatic price adjustment

Automatic price checking can be scheduled on a regular basis. (More information...)

Power management support for scheduled price adjustment

If the automatic price adjustment -for example- runs overnight, there is no longer need for continuous computer operation. Using the power settings of Windows, the computer can be placed in standby or hibernation mode and Total Seller can wake it up automatically to perform pricing checks. (More information...)




Scheduled automatic order retrieval

New orders can be automatically downloaded from Amazon in the background. (More information...)

Download of planned order reports

Total Seller can download order reports produced regularly from Amazon after they have been planned in the seller account.

Import FBA orders

Total Seller automatically imports any FBA orders sent by Amazon. Thus, FBA orders can also be managed in Total Seller and the corresponding invoices submitted to customers via e-mail. (More information...)

Automatic correction of inventory at Amazon

If new orders arrive during the listing upload, Amazon's inventory must be re-adjusted as Amazon did not include those orders in its catalog inventory. (More information...)

Order summary

In the workspace Orders > Manage and Orders > Workflow Steps, orders are presented in a clear and concise manner including their delivery address and items.

Combined search for orders

In the workspace Orders > Search, orders can be searched by "Order / Customer" and "Item Ordered". These search fields combine individual search fields while allowing to search across multiple fields. Thus, for example, the search for "Order / Customer" searches by Order code, Customer name, Customer e-mail, etc. at the same time. This means you need not specify exactly what your search fields are.

Shipping confirmation for Amazon Seller Central and Marketplace and media sellers

All sellers must send shipping confirmations to Amazon before the customer is charged for the purchase price and the money can be credited to the seller. Total Seller automates this process. (More information...)

Export the shipping addresses for

Regarding delivery address export, Total Seller supports the import format of the online postage service of the Deutsche Post.

Note: Make sure your return address has been entered beforehand under System > Settings > Company.

Use of email templates

E-mail templates can be used for customer communications. In e-mail templates, detailed order data is displayed across multiple lines and Total Seller adds automatically the necessary blank lines between order items. (More information...)

Generate invoice numbers

After order retrieval, you can automatically generate invoice numbers. Total Seller supports arbitrary formats for invoice numbers. (More information...)

Submission of PDF files (invoices)

You can add attachments to e-mail templates that Total Seller will automatically generate and send. For example, invoices can be easily sent via e-mail. (More information...)


User interface


Hide the navigation area

The workspace selection navigation area can be hidden with a single click for extended data representation space. Click on the vertical bar to display exclusively the navigation of the current workspace. Click on the arrow and the entire navigation area reappears.

Advanced filtering capabilities for tables

In the table filter editor of Total Seller columns can be compared with values ​​of other columns. To do this, right-click on a column heading and select the Filter-Editor. You can not only define a constant filter such as "Amz. Price > $10.00" but also a dynamic one such as "Amz. Price > Price List". (More information...)

Fixed table columns

Individual columns can be fixed left or right in the table and remain always visible. To do this, bring up the context menu by right-clicking on the column heading.




Amazon platforms

Total Seller supports seller accounts and price adjusting for,,,,, and If necessary, a single Total Seller installation can manage multiple seller accounts. (More Information...)

Support for Amazon Marketplace Seller and Seller Central accounts

Total Seller supports Amazon Marketplace Seller (Pro Merchant account) and Amazon Seller Central seller. Shipping confirmations, which are required for the settlement of sales on Amazon Seller Central, can be automatically created and uploaded to Amazon.

European sellers accounts of Amazon

Total Seller supports European seller accounts, i.e. with a single Amazon seller account, products can be sold on all other European Amazon sites  including,,, and Product inventories are automatically synchronized between the accounts. Learn more about the terms and conditions on the web page of Total Seller or at Total Seller Support. (More Information...)

Support for multiple independent Amazon seller accounts

Total Seller can manage the products and listings of several independent Amazon accounts. For example, it can use an account for regular listings and a second account for Amazon FBA listings. Alternatively, you can sell products on multiple Amazon platforms. Product inventories are automatically synchronized between the accounts. (More Information...)

Standard text blocks and email templates

Sample text blocks for Amazon listing descriptions and e-mail templates are automatically added as required.

Import text blocks

Text blocks can be imported from a tab-delimited text file. The first column of the text file contains the category and the second column the text.

Report designer

The Report designer of Total Seller contains a wizard to create reports, labels, packing lists, delivery notes, and invoices. It includes an additional workspace for easy report grouping and sorting. In addition, formula fields can be created and used in reports. (More information...)

Analyzing data

Rankings can be created in the Analysis workspace. In addition, products can be analyzed by storage location and space. Moreover, in the Orders > Analysis workspace, orders can be analyzed by ordered product name, code or SKU. Thus, it is extremely easy to identify the bestselling products. (More information...)

Inventory module

Total Seller includes an inventory management module whereby you can quickly review your inventory situation and manage orders and deliveries. You can also transfer items between storage locations and spaces.

Demo mode to test with sample data

In demo mode,Total Seller functions can be tested with sample data. No software activation is required.

Support for PowerShell scripting

Total Seller implements an interface whereby you can access product data of Total Seller from Windows PowerShell scripts. Total Seller can thus be linked to other systems and the import, export and backup functions automated. (More Information...)





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