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E-mail templates

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Inside the E-Mail Dialog Window, click on Edit, to modify existing email templates or create new ones:

Email templates dialog

Email templates dialog

Click on Add to create a new template or choose an existing template to change it.

As with e-mail delivery, you can create either Plain text or formatted HTML text. If you choose to use HTML text, you can format the text and insert images and hyperlinks. At times, HTML text cannot be viewed by certain email programs. Therefore, even with HTML text, Total Seller generates a plain text version in the background that is automatically sent with the HTML text for incompatible e-mail programs.

You can import the email text and also e.g. use HTML tables that you have prepared in a separate HTML editor.

You can add data fields to be automatically filled in when sending e-mails. Click onthe subject line to add a data field in the subject line. Click on Insert Data to add a field to the e-mail text .

The selection box dialog appears. Select a field and confirm with OK to determine the format. For example, currency format c2 will display an amount with two decimal places and the currency symbol. As you confirm the format selection with OK the field is inserted between "..." into the text.

Note: Please ensure not to accidentally delete the «...» characters when editing text as otherwise fields cannot be correctly replaced.

Fields related to an ordered item will be repeated automatically for multiple-item orders. Before e-mail submission, select in the workspace all ordered items to be displayed in the email for a given order.

Note: Fields of items to be repeated must be placed in a separate line of the e-mail template or, in case of HTML text, in a separate text or table row.

To send an e-mail attachment, you first create a new report template or customize a report - such as the invoice template - as required. Then, select the report template that you would like to send with the e-mail. The report - such as an invoice - is created for each e-mail recipient and send as a PDF attachment to the e-mail.

As you click OK, your changes are saved and the e-mail templates are available for easy e-mail submission.


See also:

Send e-mails

E-mail settings

Edit reports

Manage orders


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