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Send e-mails

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In one of the order workspaces, select one or more orders whose customers you would like to send an e-mail, and then click on the icon Send E-Mail:

Email dialogue

Email dialogue

Choose an e-mail template or enter the text in the field below. If you select an e-mail template, all template data fields - such as customer name and order number - are filled in automatically.

Even if you choose a template, you can still manually edit the text or insert additional text blocks.

You can use Plain text that can be easily viewed by all e-mail programs. Conversely, HTML text accepts text formatting properties such as bold or various fonts although HTML e-mails cannot be handled by certain e-mail programs. Therefore, even with HTML text, Total Seller generates a plain text version in the background that is automatically sent with the HTML text for incompatible e-mail programs.

You can import email text by clicking on Import. Moreover, you can edit complex HTML text including e.g. tables with an external HTML editor and then import it.

Click on Test to test the functionality to submit e-mails to a recipient other than the one in the To field. You will be prompted for the desired e-mail address to which the email should be sent instead and, as soon as you confirm with OK, the e-mail is sent.

To confirm the e-mail submission, click on Send. In E-mail Settings, you can provide an e-mail address to which a copy should always be sent for archiving. You can monitor the shipment progress in Online Status.


See also:

Use text blocks

E-mail templates

E-mail settings

Work online


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