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Price adjustment

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In addition to the settings in the product price category, you can globally determine that only listings available within a specified period should be considering during repricing.


Select the workspace System > Settings and click on System Settings.


Indicate that Total Seller should only consider sellers' offers available within a specific period during automatic price adjustment.


Select the period by entering the number of days. The number of days corresponds to the average availability of an offer, that is, if the offer indicates an availability of 2 to 4 weeks, the average availability would be 3 weeks or 21 days. If the offer still needs to be considered when calculating your price, enter more than 21 days for the period. If it is to be ignored, enter less than 21 days.


In addition, you can choose whether Total Seller should display prices with shipping costs and whether shipping costs are to be included in the automatic price adjustment. In general, this setting is set automatically when you select the type of your Amazon seller account in the company settings.




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