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Upload listings

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Before your new products - those you added to Total Seller- or your changes are visible on the Amazon web pages, you need to update and upload your listings on Amazon.

On the Home screen or in the area Products > Manage or Products > Workflow Steps click the command Amazon > Update Amazon Listings:

Update and upload Amazon listings

Update and upload Amazon listings

You can see a table with all newly added, changed, and deleted listings. Changes you have made since the last update to Amazon listings are highlighted in red.

As with other Total Seller tables, you can use the context menu of the column headings to hide, show, move and sort additional columns.

Below the table, there is a statistic report showing the number of affected listings, the total number of newly-added listings, and the sum of the price changes of all revised listings.

If you would like to prevent uploading a particular displayed change to the Amazon server, remove the check mark in front of the table row. The change will re-appear in the next update. If you would like to delete a change permanently, select the row and press the Delete key. This procedure is however not recommended, as it may result in Total Seller listings and those on the Amazon web site becoming unsynchronized.

You have the following options:

Upload changes

Normally, you will upload your changes directly from Total Seller to the Amazon servers. Choose this option. In the special case that your listings on the Amazon web site and those inTotal Seller differed, you could delete all listings on Amazon and replace them with the current offerings, i.e. with the quantities and prices stored in Total Seller. To that end, check the option Purge and replace all Amazon listings Please note that this process may take a long time to complete depending on the number of listings.

Save changes

If necessary, you can save the changes to a file and transfer the file manually, for example to the Amazon server. Select this option and enter a Filename or  click on to select a file and directory. After exporting the changes, you will be asked if you transfer the file manually to the Amazon server and that Total Seller can assume that the listings on the Amazon server and those of Total Seller are synchronized.


Click on OK to start exporting and uploading changes. Please note that, after you upload the changes, some time may lapse before the new listings or changes are visible on Amazon web pages, depending on the number of changes and Amazon's server load.


Closes the dialog box without transferring current changes to the Amazon server.


Note: For Total Seller to update its listings on the Amazon Web site, a SKU is imperative. As you enter new products, a SKU is automatically generated. However, if you import existing Amazon listings without SKU and then intend to update the Amazon listings, the missing SKUs are automatically generated following an inquiry and all of your offers on the Amazon server are replaced with the offers in Total Seller.

Warning: So that the inventory on the Amazon web site and in Total Seller remain in sync, it is recommended before each upload to download the current orders to Total Seller. Since Amazon does not compare inventory with current orders during upload processes, is also recommended to download current orders again after the changes of the uploaded offers have been incorporated by Amazon, and then re-upload any inventory changes caused by these new orders by clicking on Update Amazon Listings. Total Seller automatically determines which offers were changed and ordered during the upload process and were therefore eligible for update.

See also:

User interface - Customize table layout


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