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Import listings

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If you already offer products for sale at Amazon, one of the first steps is to download your current listings from the Amazon Web site, so that they are available in Total Seller and the incoming orders can be processed with Total Seller.


1.From the homepage, click onDownload your current Amazon listings or go to the workspace Products > Manage and click on the command Amazon > Import Amazon Listings:
Import Amazon listings

Import Amazon listings

2.If you manage more than one Amazon account with Total Seller select the Amazon account for which you want to import listings.
3.Select one of the following options:

Download listings

Select this option to download directly your open listings from the Amazon server and import them into Total Seller. Note that Amazon has a limit of 100,000 listings for open listing queries. If you have more than 100,000 listings on Amazon, you should choose the option below.

Select Active Listings for all active listings that are listed in your Amazon seller account and may also contain FBA (Fulfilled  by Amazon) items.

Select FBA Inventory Report to download and import the inventory report of your FBA listings into Total Sellers.

Import from file

With this option, you can import your listings from a file on your computer. The format is the same Amazon uses for uploading listings or the Amazon's report format for open listings. Enter the Filename or click on to select a file on your computer.

Select Open Listings for the standard format from Amazon (see below) and Active Listings for Seller Central inventory reports, which may include FBA (Fulfilled  by Amazon) items.

4.If necessary, you can adjust the following settings:

Price category

Select this option to assign the selected price category to all new products during import. If a price category is assigned in your import file, this takes precedence.

Price range

During automatic price check, Total Seller adjusts the listing prices within a minimum and maximum price to the competitors' listings. During import, you can have Total Seller calculate a minimum price below the current price and a maximum price above the current price so that the minimum and maximum prices do not have to be entered manually. You can change the price range for multiple products at any time after import using the price adjust or price copy functions.

Storage location

Select this option to place all new products in the selected storage location and space during the import process. If your import file contains storage location or space assignments, these will take precedence.

Workflow steps

Depending on whether you downloaded the listings from Amazon or imported them from a file, you can assign certain workflow steps to the imported products. For example, new products can only be imported in the workflow step New / Pending where other settings will be performed, and then uploaded to Amazon by moving them to Available / Online.

3.Click on OK to begin importing. If you download the listings, it may take several minutes - even up to an hour - for your listings to be provided by the Amazon Server. The time depends on the number of listings as well as the utilization of the Amazon server.
4.After importing, you are provided with a statistic report on the number of listings imported. Go to the workspace Products > Manage and click on Show all to display the imported listings.
During listing download, no product details will be transferred from Amazon. Therefore, Total Seller asks after importing whether missing product details should be automatically downloaded. To manually query product details from the Amazon server afterwards, select the newly imported products - for example, via the command Selection > Select All - and then click on the command Selection > Lookup Details. Depending on the number of imported listings, this process may take some time to complete. You can check progress through the Online Status.
5.If you use automatic price adjustment in Total Seller you might want to adjust the minimum and maximum price within which the automatically calculated price should move. To avoid manual entry for each product, you can copy and simultaneously modify prices between fields to e.g. set the lowest price as the current price minus 20%.


Note: It might happen that Amazon restructures the product database and any previously used ASINs become invalid. Use the option Check ASINs of all existing and newly imported products if you want to re-match EANs or UPCs with Amazon ASINs.


Please note that the inventory report Active Listings from Amazon also contains listings that are unavailable at the moment, i.e., with a zero amount. Regardless, these can be imported into Total Sellers and displayed in the workflow step Sold .


Fields available for import


Amazon default import fields (See help from Amazon for additional information)


Field name (header)



Product name (possibly with author)


Quantity available


Product condition


Amazon listing internal ID

seller-sku / sku

Product SKU




Listing creation date on Amazon


Amazon listing description


ZShop category (no longer used by Amazon)


Indication for shipping


Eligible for express shipping


Type of product-id


Product ID


Fulfillment Channel (for FBA items)


Additional import fields


Field name (header)



"ISBN", "EAN" or "UPC"


Product code


Product name




Author / Artist etc.


Format (must be created before importing into Total Seller)




Supplier (must be created before importing intoTotal Seller)


Supplier order No.


Price category (must be created before importing intoTotal Seller)


List price


Store price


Quantity sold


Quantity pending


Quantity ordered


Minimum inventory


Reorder quantity


"Y" if available at the store


Warehouse (must be created before importing intoTotal Seller)


Storage location


Additional info 1


Additional info 2


Product comments


Amazon minimum price for automatic price adjustment


Amazon maximum price for automatic price adjustment


When updating available listings, at least the "seller-sku" (or "sku") or "listing-id" must be specified for the product so that the listing may be correctly assigned. If a product or listing cannot be assigned during import, a new Amazon listing and product will be automatically created.

See also:

Settings - Company and seller accounts

Import products and listings

Basic work procedures - Manage products

Adjust prices manually

Advanced work procedures - Copy prices

Adjust prices automatically

Work with FBA items


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