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Customize form view

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Add or remove fields

To change the fields of an entry form, right click on a field heading of the form and click Customize Layout. Total Seller shows the Customization Dialog.


To add a field, click on the desired field in the customization dialog and drag it onto the form. Release the mouse button at the desired location. Similarly, you can change the position of the fields in the form by dragging the fields around with the mouse. Add an empty space or a dividing line on the form to make it more user friendly.


The tree view of the customization dialogue shows an overview of the form structure where you can select and move the fields as described above.


To delete a field from the form, select it with the mouse and press the Delete key. As you do so, the field moves to the hidden fields in the customization dialog.


When finished, close the customization dialog to automatically save the new form layout so that it will be available the next time you start Total Seller.


Reset form layout

You can reset the entry form layout to its factory settings at any time. To do so, right click on a field heading in the form in question and select Reset Layout.



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