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Work with FBA items

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Total Seller uses the "Amazon sales channel" or "Amz. sales channel" to distinguish between non-FBA and FBA listings. A FBA listing contains "AMAZON_EU" in this field. For non-FBA listings, the field is empty or contains the value "DEFAULT".


Total Seller can automatically download and import FBA (Fulfilled by Amazon) items from Amazon.


You have two options to import FBA listings into Total Seller:


1. Import of Active Listings:


From the Homepage click on Download your current Amazon listings or choose workplace Products > Manage and click on the command Amazon > Import Amazon Listings.
Total Seller automatically selects the option Download and sets the format to Active Listings.
Select any additional import settings and click on OK to start the import process.


As Amazon's inventory report does not provide any inventory information for FBA items in Active Listings, Total Seller always sets to 9,999 units the available quantity of new FBA listings after importing.


Since the automatic price adjustment will only pass the new price to Amazon, the available quantity is key for this function. To read the actual inventory of FBA listings on Amazon, import the FBA inventory situation. (see below)


Please note that the inventory report Active Listings from Amazon also contains listings that are unavailable at the moment, i.e., with a zero amount. Regardless, these can be imported into Total Sellers and displayed in the workflow step Sold .


2. Import of FBA inventory:


From the Homepage click on Download your current Amazon listings or choose workplace Products > Manage and click on the command Amazon > Import Amazon Listings.
Select the format FBA inventory.
Select any additional import settings if required and click on OK to start the import process.


As Amazon does not provide any price information in the FBA inventory report, Total Seller sets to $0.00 the price of new FBA listings, that were not imported through Active Listings. A $0.00 price is never transmitted to Amazon. Use the automatic price adjustment of Total Seller to determine a new price or import a report on active listings. (see above)


Please note that the FBA inventory report from Amazon also contains listings that are unavailable at the moment, i.e., with a zero amount. Regardless, these can be imported into Total Sellers and displayed in the workflow step Sold .


The FBA inventory report from Amazon contains no product details such as product name, manufacturer, etc. Use the function Lookup Details of Total Seller to supplement the missing information. Select the products in the table of a product workspace, right-click the selection and choose Lookup Details in the context menu.


Information on importing


Depending on whether you offer FBA and non-FBA listings or whether you would like to see the real inventory of FBA items on Amazon in Total Seller, you should use the first and / or second method.


It is not necessary to import the inventory report again if items were sold off at Amazon. If you add new FBA items, however, it makes sense to re-import FBA listings from Amazon so that they can be considered in the next price adjustment.


Information on price adjustment of FBA listings


Total Seller automatically includes shipping costs in the automatic price adjustment of Seller Central account and hence the free shipping of FBA listings.


To speed up the price adjustment of media listings, the inclusion of shipping costs can be disabled in the system settings of Total Seller.


In this case, create the following rules in the price category:


 Seller unequal to 'FBA' => Add $3.99

 Seller equal to 'FBA' => Subtract $3.99


Use the condition "Seller equal to FBA", to apply a rule whenever your listing is not a FBA listing but the competitor's listing is. Use the condition "Seller unequal to FBA" to apply a rule whenever your listing is a FBA listing but your competitor's is not. Listings from Amazon are always treated as FBA listings.


See also:

Import listings



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