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Use multiple Amazon accounts

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Total Seller supports the use of a European seller account or more separate Amazon seller accounts to simultaneously offer products on multiple platforms such as,,, or Sales and product inventories are automatically synchronized between Amazon seller accounts.


Check with Total Seller Support to link your license with other Amazon accounts. After an additional Amazon account has been added to your license, you can configure it under Amazon Account Settings in Total Seller.


The first Amazon seller account is the primary Amazon seller account in Total Seller. In the Products workspace, the offers of the primary Amazon seller account are displayed along with the product data. The Amazon price, minimum price, maximum price, etc. always refer to the primary Amazon seller account.


To view offers and prices for other Amazon seller accounts, select Shops > Amazon in the workspace of Total Seller. The workspace is similar to theProducts > Manageworkspace, although it shows the offers of the selected Amazon seller account.


Use the workspace Shops > Amazon to edit or adjust the offer prices of the additional Amazon accounts or view current competitors' offers.


In Shops > Amazon if you would like to view exclusively offers pertaining to a single workflow step as Available / Online or Sold use the filter feature of Total Seller. Add the column "Workflow step" in the table and click on Show filter. Then, you can select the workflow step to display in the filter row.


Add Amazon listings

While adding products, you can immediately offer your items on all Amazon platforms. Under Products > Add New, check Amazon Online Listings for the corresponding Amazon seller account and enter the listing data.

If you would like to offer existing or imported products on other Amazon platforms, select the products from the list and click on Amazon > Add Listing. Select the Amazon seller account and the platform where the products will be offered, enter the listing data, and click OK.


Click on Prices > Copy to copy prices between Amazon listings and the platforms. Use the Prices > Adjust function in the workspace Shops > Amazon to edit prices after the new listing were created or to automatically adjust prices to those of competitors.


Note: The function Amazon > Add Listings only works with products that have a valid product code such as EAN, UPC, or ISBN. Only thus can Total Seller automatically assign the products to listings on other Amazon platforms. If the product code does not exist, manually add the listing to other Amazon platforms using the product editor and select a matching ASIN there.


Use independent Amazon accounts

If your Total Seller license is configured for use of several independent Amazon accounts - e.g., several Amazon seller accounts for, please ensure that SKUs do not overlap if you use your own instead of those automatically generated by Total Seller.

You can choose the Amazon seller account while importing Amazon listings and updating prices for your Amazon listings.

When adding new products, you can decide on which Amazon accounts the product will be available by checking or unchecking, under Products > Add New , Amazon Online Listing for each Amazon account.

Work with several Amazon Seller accounts

You can select the Amazon seller account when importing listings, updating listings, and sending shipping confirmations.

When downloading orders, orders for all seller accounts are automatically read.

If a schedule is configured, it always refers to all Amazon seller accounts, adjusts the prices of all Amazon platforms, and downloads the orders of all seller accounts.


See also:

Enter Amazon account data

Manage products



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