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Adjust prices automatically

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In order to increase sales and profits and best respond to the changing market, it seems sensible to have Total Seller automatically adjust prices. This function is often referred to as automatic repricing.


In the first example, the price is too low. The product has a price of $5.28 and the lowest new-price is $8.81. The lowest used-price is $8.81 as well. If the price of $5.28 is increased to $8.80, the offer still has the lowest price hence it will continue to appear first in the price hit list while making 65% more profit.

Price too low

Price too low

In the second example, the price is a few cents too high. It is advisable to reduce the price by 2 cents to appear at the top of the price hit list while increasing sales opportunities and revenue.

Price is too high

Price is too high

Price categories

Of course, controlling and changing the price on hundreds or thousands of different products is by no means a manual task.

Therefore, you can create in Total Seller Price categories and assign products as required. The number of price categories is unlimited and individual products can be assigned to different price categories.

A price category describes a rule whereby the product price is automatically adjusted by Total Seller. In doing so, your own and your competitors' shipping costs are considered.

A simple rule would be: Set the price of 1 cent below the lowest available offer so the product is always listed first.

A complicated rule would be: Calculate the average price of the three lowest available offers from sellers who have at least 100 reviews. (A seller who does not yet have 100 reviews is probably a hobby seller and Total Seller, under this rule, ignores these "unprofessional" prices not to set your price too low.)

Your price categories will vary depending on whether your priority is to sell as much as possible in the shortest time or obtain a good price. Certainly, priorities will also depend on overall demand and product condition (for used products) and you can consider both in your price categories.

Once you have created your price categories and rules, you can assign them during product entry or set them subsequently.

Minimum and maximum price

For every price category, you can specify fixed minimum and maximum prices or set them as a percentage of the price list.

In addition, each product must have a minimum and maximum price. You can enter the minimum and maximum price directly in the product table of Total Seller, import from a file or change or copy for several products simultaneously.

With automatic price checking, the price will be recalculated within the minimum and maximum prices. If there is no competitors' offer that matches the settings and rules of price category , your listing price is set to the maximum price.

Note: The minimum and maximum price is your selling price without shipping costs.

Check prices and assign price categories

To assign the price category for multiple products and check prices, select Products > Manage in the workspace or any the workflow steps for products and click on the command bar of the workspace Prices > Adjust.

Total Seller shows the task area Adjust Prices:

Check prices

In the task area Adjust Prices, there are three ways to check your prices so that they are automatically aligned with the current market situation:

Of all products

Adjusts prices for all available products automatically. Total Seller reads the current listings on the Amazon servers and re-calculates the price of your product according to the associated price category.

Of displayed products

Adjusts prices for all products displayed in the table. If you have set up a filter to display a product selection, prices will only be checked for filtered and displayed products.

Of selected products

Total Seller adjusts only the prices of the products selected and highlighted in the table. Alternatively, you can select the desired products, right-click to show the context menu and select Check Prices to automatically adjust prices without using the task area Adjust prices.

Total Seller sets the field Amz Price Adjustment Date on the current date and time when the price was changed.

Display placement and price difference to the lowest price offer

During automatic price adjustment, the fields Amz. rank in offers and Amz. distance to lowest are updated.

The field Amz. rank in offers represents the placement of your listing within the listings of your competitors matching the criteria and settings of the price category. In other words, without any further settings in the price category "Price Hit" and a minimum price, Total Seller places your offer always in position "1". Conversely, if you set a minimum price, it might well be that your offer is not the best offer on Amazon and accordingly, your offer is ranked above "1". The field Amz. distance to lowest indicates the distance to the lowest price offered by your competitors. As before, only competitors' listings matching your price rules settings and criteria will be considered during price differential calculations.

You can simply add these fields to the Product table as additional columns.

To set the field Amz. rank in offers and Amz. distance to lowest for the first time, you should manually start an automatic price adjustment of all listings.

Note: If your listing does not appear among the most popular in Amazon, it will not be determined its exact position during price adjustment for speed optimization purposes. In other words, the field Amz. rank in offers shows, for example, a value "greater than 7" - hence the exact position of your listing could be worse. Example: If a listing for a used book has 12 bids at a price of $0.01 and your offer has a minimum price of $2.00, your offer will never be among the first 12 offers and Total Seller will indicate an "estimated" value of "8" in the field Amz. rank in offers. However, if only four bids under $2.00 were available, the field will be set to the an exact - "5".

Tip: You can use both fields in filters to optimize your placement within Amazon's listings. For example, set a filter "Amz. rank in offers > 1" to display all products that did not rank in position 1 in spite of a price adjustment. (You can view the Filter Editor by right-clicking on a column heading and selecting Edit filter in the context menu.)

Transfer price changes to Amazon

Once price changes are performed by Total Seller, you should transfer them to the Amazon Server .

If you use the Schedule function of Total Seller the price adjustment is executed periodically in the background and new prices can be automatically transferred to Amazon.

Note: Before uploading revised listings, you can view price changes in the column Amz. price change. This column also indicates with color and an arrow whether the price was revised upwards or downwards. You can add this column to the table at any time if hidden.

Warning: Seller Central sellers who consider shipping cost when adjusting prices must manually enter a new price during new item creation, and can use price adjustment only after the item has been uploaded to Amazon. Since Total Seller can determine the real shipping cost of an item only if the product has been previously uploaded to Amazon, the price adjustment with regard to the shipping costs only works when the product is available on Amazon.

Tip: To change the minimum and maximum prices per product for automatic price adjustment, use manual price adjustment.

Assign a price category

On the one hand, you can change the price category as you edit a product in the table or in the Product Editor. On the other hand, in the task area Adjust Prices you can quickly assign a price category to multiple products simultaneously.

Mark the desired products in the table. You can either use the Shift and Ctrl keys to select multiple rows at a time, or press Ctrl+A or choose Selection > Select All,from the command bar to select all products displayed. Select then the Price Category in the task area Adjust Prices. Click on Set to assign the selected price category to the selected products.

Undo price change

To reset manual or automatic price changes, select the desired products and click on Adjust prices and then under Miscellaneous  on Reset selected prices. Prices will be reset to the price that was last transmitted to Amazon servers. Keep in mind that prices cannot be reset this way once they have been transferred to the Amazon server. In such case, you will need to manually or automatically re-adjust and transfer them again.


See also:

Create price categories

Create schedule

Upload listings

Adjust prices manually


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