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Create price categories

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Create and edit price categories in the workspace via System > Settings or alternatively, by going to Adjust Prices - Price Categoryand clicking on Edit:

Price category editor

Price category editor

On the left side, you will see a list of existing price categories. Click on Add to create a new price category or on Delete to remove the selected category. Note that you can only delete categories to which no product is assigned.

Enter a name for a new or selected price category and a description.

Under Store, you can find the description of the rule applicable to the store price. Under Amazon, you can find the description of the rule for the Amazon price.

Click on Edit or on an underlined section of the rule to edit the price category and enter the price category editor:

Price category editor

Price category editor

Using the price category editor, you can specify price category rules in a step-by-step manner. Click on Previous or Next to move back and forth between rule sections. Alternatively, you can directly access the desired rule section by clicking on the left side.

Keep in mind the information on different rule settings while using the price category editor.

Note: The value for Min. Rating that you can specifiy under Amazon - Compare, refers to the average rating between 1 and 5 whereby customers have rated the seller so far. (1 being the worst score and 5 being the best score.)

Note: The minimum and maximum price that you may enter for a price category under Amazon - Min / Max is additional to the minimum and maximum price that you can specify at the product level.

Buy Box Optimization

The Buy Box is the blue box at the top right on the product page of Amazon, in which the button "Add to Cart" is. Offers which are in the Buy Box produce significantly more revenue than offers that are listed only on the offers page. Only offers from sellers that meet strict criteria of Amazon can be placed in the Buy Box.

After a seller with good seller performance has been qualified for the Buy Box the product's availability and especially the price decide, which offer appears in the Buy Box. It is important that your price including shipping costs is at least as low as the offers of other sellers who are qualified for the Buy Box. If your offer is cheaper than the offers of other Buy Box sellers, you can get the Buy Box exclusively. Offers from sellers who are not qualified for the Buy Box, can be ignored when it comes to the placement of your own offers in the Buy Box.

Therefore, you can select in the Price Category under Amazon - Compare that Total Seller should only consider offers from sellers that are qualified for the Buy Box when recalculating your new price .

Note: The Buy Box optimization only works correctly, if the price monitor of the Realtime Price Adjustment is used. The price monitor not only observes the prices of your competition, it also checks if a seller is qualified for the Buy Box.

FBA listings

To consider FBA listings during automatic price adjustment, you can create advanced Amazon rules in the price category as "FBA" seller. During price checking, for example, you can match the free shipping of media articles in FBA listings by disabling the automatic consideration of shipping costs during price adjustment. Create the following rules in the price category:


Seller unequal to 'FBA' => Add $3.99

Seller equal to 'FBA' => Subtract $3.99


Listings from Amazon are always treated as FBA listings.


Use the condition "Seller equal to FBA", to apply a rule whenever your listing is not a FBA listing but the competitor's listing is. Use the condition "Seller unequal to FBA" to apply a rule whenever your listing is a FBA listing but your competitor's is not. Thus, the rules applied depend on whether your own listing is an FBA listing or not. Consequently, you can use the same price category for your FBA and non-FBA listings.


In addition, you can create rules for competitors' FBA listings, which are independent of whether your own listing is a FBA listing or not. To do this, use the shipping zone as a condition. For example, you could create the following rule:


Zone is "FBA" (shipping from Amazon) => Subtract 3%


If you want to create a rule that applies only to competitors' FBA listings but not for Amazon itself, you should add another condition to this rule:


Zone is "FBA" (shipping from Amazon), and seller is not "" => Subtract 3%

Prime shipping

To account for Prime shipping during automatic price calculations you can add a pricing rule in the Price Category and enter "Prime" as the seller. This rule will then apply to Prime by Merchant, FBA (Fulfilled by Amazon) and Amazon's own offers.


For example, if you offer normal shipping and your competition offers Prime shipping, you could make your offer more interesting for potential customers, if you add a rule like this:


Seller equals 'Prime' => Subtract $2.00


Other sellers

In order to exclude competitors from the price calculation or to treat them differently, you create an advanced rule in the Price Category. You can check the name of a competitor in a price rule. As the name may change, it is often better to use the competitor's ID in the rule.

Proceed as follows to find out the ID of your competitor:

Go to to one of your offers on Amazon's web site
Click on "nn% positive feedback" in your competitor's offer to see the feedback page
Now check the address bar of the Web browser
The URL looks something like this: ""

At the end of the URL, you can see the seller ID after "seller=". In the above example , this is "A40354ZBJ2GZDO".



a) Set the price 1 cent below the lowest available listing so the product is always listed first.

Under Amazon - Pricing choose "Recommend a price and automatically calculate the new Amazon price."
Select Product Condition under Amazon - Compare and choose "Based on listings with a similar or better condition". (select another comparison for the product condition if necessary.)
Under Amazon - Price, enter "0.01" as Subtract amount.

b) Calculate the average price of the three lowest available listings from sellers who have at least 100 reviews.

Under Amazon - Pricing choose "Recommend a price and automatically calculate the new Amazon price."
Enter "100" as Min. feedbacks under Amazon - Compare.
Select Product Condition under Amazon - Compare and choose "Based on listings with a similar or better condition". (select another comparison for the product condition if necessary.)
Enter "3" as average under Amazon - Listings.


See also:

Adjust prices manually

Copy prices

Work with FBA items


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