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Create schedule

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Total Seller can independently check your listing prices on a regular basis and download new orders from Amazon.

Click on System > Settings > Schedule to configure scheduled processes.

Select the computer on which the automatic processes must be executed. Select the first option if Total Seller is only installed on one computer.

Select your preferred computer if Total Seller is installed on several computers. Alternatively, you can choose to have automatic processes executed directly on the Total Seller server.

Please note that the computer where automatic processes are executed must be running continuously. Alternatively, you can use the Reprice Service or the function to auto-resume. (see below) Total Seller must not be started as processes run in the background.

Internet Reprice Service (Cloud Service)

Select this option, if Total Seller's Reprice Service should watch your competitor's offers in realtime and automatically calculate and transfer new prices to Amazon if there are any changes. For this feature your computer does not have to be turned on. Your listings and settings will be synchronized with the Reprice Service in the Internet. As soon as you turn on your computer again, Total Seller will download and display all new prices that were calculated and send to Amazon in the meantime. You can follow the sychronization's progress under System > Log.

Price checking internal

Select the interval at which the automatic price check should be performed. You can also define exceptions. For example, prices should be checked and adjusted with a lower frequency at night. This function can also be used to save power because the computer will not be awaken so often to check prices at night.

Automatic price adjustments (repricing) in realtime

Instead of periodically recalculating all prices, you also have the option to have the competitors' offers watched directly in the data center of Amazon and then to react immediately to changes in prices or sales. All offers will be observed continuously without delay and as soon as a price change occurs within the first twenty offers, Total Seller is notified within 60 seconds and can calculate your new price and transfer it to Amazon.

To use this feature, set the price check interval to Realtime. Once you click on OK, the price monitor is configured and after 15-30 minutes Total Seller is constantly notified of your competitors' price changes.

Note: In contrast to the use of a regular price check interval, the prices are not constantly recalculated. For example, if you edit the settings of a Price Category, you should start a manual price check for the products with this Price Category. Otherwise, the changes in the Price Category are only applied when the competitors' prices change which causes a new calculation of your price

Transfer new prices to Amazon

During automatic price adjustment, Total Seller can automatically transfer the new prices to Amazon. You can choose whether to exclude prices that have been sharply reduced or increased from automatic price transmission. Then, you must manually transfer these prices by updating the Amazon listing in Total Seller.

Note: You should choose a shorter or longer price checking period depending on the number and ranking of your offer. If you offer products that are quickly sold off, a shorter interval might be appropriate. However, if you sell products at prices that barely change, select a longer interval. Please note also that Amazon takes some time to update prices. Amazon arranges price changes in a queue and incorporates them one by one in a sequential fashion. Therefore, it seems appropriate to select longer intervals if you have numerous listings on Amazon.

Download orders automatically

Select the schedule, whether and at what time intervals are new orders downloaded.

After new orders have been downloaded, it might happen that Total Seller needs to re-transfer the available quantity to Amazon, for example, if the order overlapped with an listing update. This avoids double counting sales. In the schedule, you can determine whether that should be done automatically after each order download.

Save energy

Save Energy! - Total Seller supports Windows power management and can wake up the computer from standby or hibernation to perform a price check. Select the appropriate option as you create a schedule for Total Seller. For the computer to return to standby or hibernation mode after the price adjustment process, configure Windows power settings so that the computer will go into standby or hibernation after 5 minutes or more without activity. (Power management is supported by most but not all computers. In some cases, support for computer sleep and wake-up must be enabled at the BIOS level.)

Displays results of automatic processes

Click on System > Log and then, for example, on Show All to view the automatic processes results.

After prices have been adjusted or new orders downloaded, you must update the data in Total Seller to view the new prices or orders. Click on the refresh icon on the upper right of Total Seller main window.


See also:

Adjust prices automatically


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