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Analyzing data

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In the workspace, select either Products > Analyze, Orders > Analyze or Customers > Analyze, to easily analyze your database by moving data fields with the mouse on the evaluation table:

Analyze workspace orders

Analyze workspace orders


In addition, you can easily convert the evaluation into a clear chart. To that end, click on Chart at the bottom of the workspace:

Chart analysis view

Chart analysis view


To return to the table view, click on Analyze in the lower area.




Determine the bestselling products


In the workspace, switch to Orders > Analyze.
Drag the field Quantity onto the Data area. Total Seller shows the total amount of all products sold.
Drag the field Product Name onto the Data area. Total Seller shows the quantity sold per product.
Right-click on the column header Product Name. From the context menu, select Ranking > Show the first 10. Total Seller shows the top ten bestselling products.
Drag the field Purchase Date Year on to the column area. Total Seller shows the top ten bestselling products and the quantity sold per year.
Right-click on the column header of the desired Year. From the context menu sort "Product Name" according to this column. Total Seller shows the top ten selling products for the selected year.
Drag the field Purchase Date Month onto the column area right next to the Purchase Date Year. Total Seller shows the top ten bestselling products and the quantity sold per year and month.
Left-click on the column header Product Name. Total Seller shows the ten lowest selling products.
Alternatively, you can drag the fields Purchase Date Year and Purchase Date Month onto the filter and select individual years and / or months for the analysis.



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