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Edit orders

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Total Seller downloads the current orders from the Amazon server and displays them with their data in a table. You can assign orders to workflow steps or work batches and process them in an efficient and straightforward way. Moreover, you can export shipping addresses and print packing slips and delivery notes.

In the navigation of Total Seller, click on the area Orders > Manage or Orders > Workflow Step - Received.

1.In the main toolbar, click on Download Orders to retrieve the latest orders from the Amazon server. The online status is displayed with the progress. Depending on the number of orders and the Amazon server workload, the order download process may take some time to complete.
Note: To read Amazon FBA orders, select the appropriate option under System > Settings > System Settings. The FBA listings data is provided by Amazon to the merchants every 24h after shipping by Amazon. FBA orders appear in Total Seller under the workflow step "Fulfilled by Amazon".
After downloading orders, Total Seller indicates number of new orders.
Received orders

Received orders

2.Received orders are displayed in the table of the workspace Orders > Workflow Step - Received. If some orders are missing, click on Update from the main toolbar to re-read current orders from the Total Seller database and display them. If multiple items were ordered together with a single order, each item is displayed in a table row and the common fields such as purchase date and shipping address are summarized.

To view the order details, select the order and click on Show Summary in the toolbar. In addition to the table, the summary provides additional data. In the summary, you can add fields and headers by right-clicking on the field headings and bringing up the context menu. There, you can add and remove fields as you do with tables.


Select the orders you would like to process.

Tip: You can also select all orders displayed in the table by clicking on Selection > Select All on the toolbar or by using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + A..


At this point, you have several order processing options:

On the main toolbar, click on Print to print deliver notes, invoices, or packing slips.
To send e-mails to customers, click on Send E-Mail. You can use templates and text blocks to automate the e-mail submission process.
Click on Export addresses to export address e.g. for printing of online postage.
Move the selected orders to another workflow step by clicking on Next Step: Pack in the toolbar. You can also move the selected orders to another step by clicking the small arrow next to Next Step: Pack and select the desired workflow step. The orders are moved to the selected workflow step for tracking or further processing.
Assign a work batch to the selected orders by clicking on the icon next to the current Batch in the toolbar. Using work batches, you can divide your work or delegate individual operations to employees. To view all orders for a given batch, select it in the workspace Orders > Manage or Orders > Workflow Steps in the toolbar next to the batch.

You can advance orders through workflow steps according to their processing progress until reaching Workflow Steps > Completed. Once an order is moved to a workflow step, the current date for the workflow step is saved. You can view the date by adding the appropriate field to the table or summary or by double clicking on an order to open the order editor


See also:

Basic work procedures - Process orders

Basic work procedures - Print reports

Basic work procedures - Send e-mails


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