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Work with the Lite and Reprice editions

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The Lite edition is a reduced edition of Total Seller which supports exclusively price adjustment and product entry. Orders and customer data cannot be accessed or managed.

To use only price adjustment and process orders outside of Total Seller, proceed as follows:

Select the Products > Manage workspace.
Import your current Amazon inventory under File > Import Amazon Listings if you use Total Seller for the first time or if you added new listings outside of Total Seller e.g., directly on the web pages of your Amazon seller account..
Assign Price categories to new products and possibly set the minimum and maximum price of the listing.
Perform automatic price adjustment.
Update Amazon listings by clicking on Update Amazon listings.

You can repeat this cycle as required. Please ensure that you regularly import the current inventory from Amazon into Total Sellers if you added new listings on the Amazon website. When importing, minimum and maximum prices and price categories received in earlier listing imports are retained.

To quickly start the automatic price adjustment and avoid manually entering minimum and maximum prices, you can copy the current prices of your Amazon listing and thereby change them. For example, you could set the minimum price as your current price minus 20%. This feature can be found under Tasks > Copy Prices.

In addition, you can also set a global minimum and maximum price per price category. A price category includes the rules whereby your new price will be calculated - i.e. in a price category, you can specify that the new price will always be 1 cent below the best price.

You can enter fixed values across the board or enter minimum and maximum prices per product. In addition, you could define several price categories and assign your various product groups.


See also:

Import listings

Copy prices

Adjust prices automatically

Create price categories

Upload listings

Create schedule

Work with FBA items


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