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Copy prices

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If you wish to use the automatic price adjustment function of Total Seller and have imported your products , the minimum or maximum prices of products are not yet set.

For example, to automatically derive minimum and maximum prices from your current prices, you can copy between individual price fields and transfer the changes as you do so. Conversely, if you want to modify but not copy individual price fields - including minimum and maximum prices, use the manual price adjustment function.

Copy prices

In the workspace Products > Manage,select the products whose prices you would like to copy and then click on Prices > Copy on the command bar:

Copy prices

Copy prices

First, select the source and destination fields. You can choose between the following price fields: Amazon Price, Amazon min. Price, Amazon max. Price, List Price, Store Price.

Select Only if the target field is empty, if copying is to be skipped when the destination field is already filled.

You can also modify the copied price during copying. To that end, go to Change and select either Reduce price by or Increase price by and enter a percentage value or absolute value.

To limit the copied values to a specific area, go to Limits and click on Minimum and / or Maximum and enter an amount. If the copied value is under the entered minimum or above the maximum, the target value field is set to the minimum or maximum amount.

Click on Copy to start copying. After copying, you can make another copy or click on Close, to exit the dialog box.


See also:

Adjust prices manually


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