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Adjust prices manually

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You can simply change your Amazon price, Amazon minimum price, Amazon maximum price, store price, and list price for one or more products.

In the workspace Products >Manage select the products whose prices you would like to change and then click on Prices > Adjust on the workspace task bar. After that, the right side of the task area will display >Adjust prices with the sub-item Modify prices:

Task area - Change prices

Task area - Change prices

First, select the price field you want to modify. Then, choose whether you would like to increase, reduce, or fix the price.

You can either click on the Percent and enter a percentage to change the original amount in percentage terms, or click on Amount and enter a value to increase or reduce the price field by an absolute value.

After the change, the amount can also be rounded inTotal Seller. Click on Round to select whether you want to round up, down, or apply commercial rounding.

Select a rounding type from the list or enter two consecutive sample amounts.

Once you click on Change the prices of the selected products are changed.

Tip: You must leave the workspace open to adjust the prices of other products. You can easily filter and select additional products and click on Change again to confirm the changes for the new selection. (To select all displayed items, press Ctrl+A or select Selection > Select all in the task bar.)

If you have changed your Amazon prices, you should transfer these changes to the Amazon server.

Undo price change

To reset manual or automatic price changes, select the desired products and click on Adjust prices and then under Miscellaneous  on Reset selected prices. Prices will be reset to the price that was last transmitted to Amazon servers. Keep in mind that prices cannot be reset this way once they have been transferred to the Amazon server. In such case, you will need to manually or automatically re-adjust and transfer them again.


See also:

Upload listings

Adjust prices automatically


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