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Customize table layout

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Change column width

To change the table column width, move the mouse cursor between two column headings until the mouse pointer changes. Left click, hold down the button, and move the mouse to change the column width. Alternatively, you can double-click to automatically change the column width to the longest text displayed.

Change the column width with your mouse

Change the column width with your mouse

Move columns

To change the position of a column, left click on the column heading, hold down the button and move the column heading to the new position, which appears marked by red arrows. Release the mouse button.

Move columns with the mouse

Move columns with the mouse

Sort and fix columns (avoid scrolling)

To sort by a particular column, left click on the column heading. The column is sorted in ascending order. Click again on the column heading and the sort is reversed, i.e., in this case, the column is sorted in descending order. If you want to sort by more than one column, click on the heading of additional columns while holding down the Shift key.

Furthermore, you can also set sorting and other column options in the context menu for the column heading. To do this, right-click the column heading and the following menu appears:


Column context menu

Column context menu

In the context menu, select the desired sorting or remove the sorting for the selected column or for all columns.

In addition, you have the following options:


The table is grouped by column, i.e. elements with the same values ​​in the column are summarized.

Show Group Box

Displays the group by box. You can also group columns by left-clicking and dragging the column header to the group by box.

Remove column

Removes a column from the table. You can always add the column again. (see below)

Column chooser

Displays the list of fields to display additional columns. (see below)

No horizontal scrolling

All columns are distributed over the entire available width of the table, so that horizontal scrolling is not necessary.


The column does no longer scroll in the window but remains always visible on the left or right ends of the table.

Reset layout

Set the table layout back to its default settings.

Edit filter

Open the Filter Editor to create complex filter criteria. (see below)

Show other columns

Click on Table > Add Column or on the Column Chooser in the context menu of the column headings and the field selection window appears. With the left mouse button, drag the field name to the desired location in the column headings, and then release the mouse button.

Column field selection

Column field selection

Using multiple layout views

The current table view is automatically saved when you close the workspace or the program.

You can store multiple tables layouts and quickly switch between different views as needed.

Table layout commands

Table layout commands


The following functions are available in the Table command category:



Select a layout from the list.


Saves the current table view under a new name.


Deletes the selected layout from the list.


Loads the last manually or automatically saved table layout.


Sets the table layout back to its factory settings.




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