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Import products and listings

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You can import product and listing data from text, CSV and Excel files in Total Seller. The import formats can be defined flexibly. When assigning imported data to the data fields of Total Seller you can use mathematical formulas when needed.

On the start page click on Import product and listing data or in the product workspaces click on Products > Import.

Import data

Import data


In the first step, you create a new import definition, enter a name and select the file to import.

Total Seller tries to automatically detect the format of the imported data. You can customize the format of the file and the imported columns.

Specify import format

Specify import format


You can create and use variables in import assignments.

Then assign the imported columns to the data fields of Total Seller

Assign imported data

Assign imported data


In the column Source column or formula click on "..." to display the formula editor. Select a column from the import file. In addition, mathematical operations and Excel functions can be used to calculate the final value for the import.

You can assign workflow steps or batches to imported products.

Finally you select if Total Seller should create new products and listings, or if you only want to update existing products and listings.

To save the Import Definition click on Finish.

To start the import now or in the future click on Start import. Total Seller will prompt for the file to import if this option was selected in the Import Definition. After selecting the import file the import process beginns. Thereafter, the import statistics and any errors that may have occured during the import, will be displayed.


See also:

Export table content

Manage products


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