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Enter Amazon account data

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Before you can upload or download your existing offers to / from the Amazon Web pages, and before you can download your most recent orders, you have to enter your Amazon seller account credentials in Total Seller.

From the Homepage, click on Enter information about your company and Amazon Account.

Or select the workspace System > Settings - alternatively, you can click on Options in the main toolbar - and then click again on Enter name and address of your company and your Amazon data.

Company data

The company information entered here is used for example when printing delivery notes and invoices.

Amazon account

In the window upper section, select the Accounts area to enter your Amazon login information.

Select the your Amazon account type:

Marketplace sellers selling media (Pro Merchant account)
Seller Central sellers selling media
Seller Central sellers selling in categories other than media

The Amazon domain and e-mail address you use to log in to your Amazon seller account were already provided as you downloaded the trial version or acquired Total Seller. Consequently, they need not be entered again.

Amazon MWS credentials

Enter your access keys for Amazon Marketplace Web Service (Amazon MWS).

Follow these steps:

Sign into Amazon Seller Central with your Amazon seller account as the primary user.
Under Settings on the User Permissions page, under the Third-party developer and apps section , click Visit Manage Your Apps to open the Manage your apps page.
Click on the Manage your apps page on Authorize new developer.
Enter "Total Seller" in the Developer's name field and "1018-6647-5905" for the *Developer ID*.(For,,, and enter the developer ID "1705-2288-5859".)
Follow the authorization workflow and confirm your inputs. Amazon will display your account identifiers and the Auth-Token.
In Total Seller go to System > Settings > Company > Accounts.
Copy your Seller ID (also called Merchant Token or Merchant ID) from Seller Central into the field Seller ID and the authoization token (AuthToken) from Seller Central into the field Auth token.
Click on OK.

The MWS credentials that you enter here are stored in encrypted form in the Total Seller database on your computer and used only when transmitting offers, prices or orders to and from Amazon. The transfer or use of your data by third parties is excluded.

As an advanced and optional setting you can define an access limit to restrict access of Total Seller to Amazon's MWS interface. This is useful if the interface is to be used in parallel with other applications.

Other settings

Specify how you would like to download new orders from the Amazon server. On the one hand, you can request a current order report from Amazon as new orders are downloaded. In this case, Total Seller waits for the completion of the new report. For this case, you can also specify the maximum time that Total Seller should wait for a new order report.

On the other hand, you can configure Total Seller so that planned order reports with new orders are downloaded from the Amazon server. To that end, your seller account on Amazon must indicate that Amazon will automatically generate order reports. Moreover, you should plan how often the reports are produced per day. It is advisable to choose the shortest period possible, so that multiple reports can be generated within the day and Total Seller is always up to date.

You can also choose a combination of both settings so that Total Seller downloads first the existing planned order report and then requests a new report.

Select the default shipping method and the product condition to be used for all newly entered products. These values ​​can be modified during or after entry for each individual product.

See also:

Import listings

Add products


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