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E-mail settings

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Go to System > Settings in the workspace and click on Enter system settings to configure your e-mail account settings.

Total Seller uses a SMTP server to send your e-mails directly from the Total Seller application. Usually, the appropriate settings are provided by your Internet or e-mail provider. Enter an email address to be used as the return address and the SMTP server and port. The default SMTP port is preset and probably need not be altered. Entering an SMTP user and password is optional and depends on whether your email provider requires authentication.

To archive e-mails sent, you can specify an email address as a BCC address to which copies of all emails submitted by Total Seller will be sent. For example, you could use an additional email address to which only archived e-mails are sent and which is independent of the regular e-mail address you use for customer communications.

Some e-mail providers limit how many e-mails may be sent and how quickly. In this case, you can insert delays after each e-mail and blocks of e-mails.

See also:

Send e-mails

E-mail templates


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