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Check added products

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In the creation of new products you have the option to place your products in the workflow step New / Review. Additionally, you can enter a comment.

This allows several people to exchange and share the product entry process. For example, employee A enters a new product but he is unsure of the product price hence saves the product as New / Review instead of New / Pending. He enters a short comment as to why he could not complete the product entry process.

Later, employee B opens Total Seller and sees the product in the workflow step New / Review, He clicks on the product, reads the comment employee A has left, fills in the missing information, and releases the product by moving it to workflow step Available / Online.

Note: Click on Show summary in the toolbar of the workspace to display the workflow comment field. If that field is not visible, reset the layout or add the field via the context menu of the overview by right-clicking on a field heading in the view. Alternatively, you can display the field in the workspace table.

Check products

Check products


See also:

Customize table layout


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