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Add products

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New products can be added in two different ways:

1.There is a special entry form to enter the most important product and offer data in a simple and clear way. See also: Getting Started - Add New Product
2.In the workspace, click on Products > Manage Click Newin the main toolbar.

This opens the Product Editor window:

Product Editor - General

Product Editor - General

Enter the existing product data. The product ID field is filled in automatically if the product is saved with no product ID. You can also select a price category and determine whether the product will be sold in your store - if any - and at what price.

Enter the available quantity. You can also enter the quantities to be ordered whenever inventory falls below a specified level.

If you wish to offer the product on Amazon's website, click on the Amazon tab:

Product Editor - Amazon Online Listing

Product Editor - Amazon Online Listing

Click on Amazon Online Listing to display the Amazon Search Dialogue. First, select a product from the Amazon listing. Thus, the ASIN of the Amazon product is associated with your listing. Then, enter the listing validity. Enter Amz. Min Price and Amz. Max. price, if you intend to use price categories for automatic price adjustment.

For easier entry of Amz. description, you can use text blocks by clicking at the end of the entry field below.

If you do not enter an Amazon SKU, it will be generated automatically as you save the product.


Note: Please note that your listing will only be uploaded to the Amazon servers, if the workflow step Available / Online is assigned. If necessary, switch to the General tab in the Product Editor and select the workflow step Available / Online at the bottom right. Otherwise, the new product is assigned the workflow step New / Pending. Later on, you can assign the workflow step Available / Online to the new products and then upload them to the Amazon server.

Click save and close to save the changes and close the window. Click on, to save the currently edited product and enter a new product.


See also:

Getting Started - Add new product

Use text blocks

Manage products


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