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The Total Seller workspace

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The Total Seller workspace consists of several areas:


The Total Seller workspace

The Total Seller workspace


You can switch back and forth between open workspaces. This function is similar to the navigation function in a Web browser.

Workspace toolbar

The workspace toolbar contains all functions that are available for the open workspace. Move the cursor over the headings or click on them to view the commands in that category. Each workspace provides a filter toolbar above the table to select which items are displayed in the workspace.

Program areas

Click on "Products", "Orders", "Customer" or "System" to view the possible workspaces and workflow steps.

Select workspaces and workflow steps

Click the workspaces or workflow steps to open the corresponding workspace.

Open workspaces

All currently open workspaces are displayed here. Click on each headline to switch between workspaces.

Close workspace

Click on the cross to close the currently displayed workspace. If your computer has limited memory resources, it is recommended to close workspaces after use.

Online status

As soon as Total Seller accesses the Internet, the light bulb icon flashes and progress is shown next to it. To view detailed information, click on the light bulb icon.

See also:

Customize table layout

Work online


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