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Adjust workspace

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Hide individual areas

In order to have a larger workspace, you can automatically hide individual workspace areas if they are no longer required. Please click with the mouse on the icon. Once the entry focus switches to another area, the workspace area disappears. To hide the navigation area, click on.

Tip: In this way, you can hide the navigation area or the list of available offers or overviews.

Re-displaying hidden areas

Hidden areas will displayed as a tab with the name of the area on the edge of the workspace. Move the mouse pointer to the tab, hold it there for a few seconds, and the area is available for use again. After use, the area will disappear.

To permanently re-display the area, click on the icon while the area is visible.


To briefly display the navigation area again, click on the heading of the navigation category.

To permanently re-display the navigation area, click on the icon.

Move areas

Left-click on an area heading and move the area to the desired position or anchor it in a different workspace location by moving it to the anchor icon and releasing the mouse button there.

Tip: For example, you can move individual areas to a second monitor.

Edit workflow steps

Switch to System > Settings, click on System Settings > Workflow > Edit workflow steps to change the order of the displayed workflow steps or to hide them. You can also add your own workflow steps to organize the management of products and orders according to your own needs.


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