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Add products and stock

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In the navigation, click on Products > Add Inventory , to add new stock and, if required, create an Amazon listing at the same time.




New products are not immediately uploaded to the Amazon server but are first displayed in the Workspace > Workflow steps - New / Pending or Workflow steps - New / Review for final acceptance or review. Once new products are ready to be uploaded to the Amazon server, go to Workspace Products > Workflow Steps - New / Pending, select any or all products (for example, using the command Selection > Select All) and move the products to the Workflow Step - Available / Online by clicking on Next Step: Available / Online button in the workspace toolbar. As soon as the new products are in Workflow Step: Available / Online.


New products and stock can then be uploaded to the Amazon web site.


See also:

Browse Amazon listings

Use text blocks

Upload listings

Basic work procedures - Manage products



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