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Version 3.12

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Internet Reprice Service

Total Seller can check your competitor's offers in realtime 24 hours 7 days a week and calculate new prices using the Internet Reprice Service, even if your computer is turned off. You can manage all of your listings, minimum and maximum prices and Price Category settings as usual. Total Seller automatically synchronizes your data with the Reprice Service in the background. (More information...)


(* depending on product edition)

Amazon Sales Rank

Total Seller displays Amazon's sales rank with your listings. Use the feature Selection > Lookup details to import the sales rank and then add the column "Amz. Sales Rank" to the product table.

Sellers on Amazon European Marketplaces

The workspace Shops > Amazon has been improved for sellers on Amazon's European marketplaces. (More information...)

Support of touch enabled monitors

The use of touch enabled monitors and Window's tablets has been improved.

Windows PowerShell v3

Total Seller supports and requires PowerShell v3 for scripting and automation. You can download Windows PowerShell v3 from Microsoft for Windows 7. (More information...)



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