Frequently asked questions

Is the use of Total Seller safe?

Your security is our top priority. We will never ask you to give us your Amazon seller account password. The password to your seller account is like your bank card PIN. You should never give your password to any third party or enter it on a web page other than Amazon's.

The password that you enter in Total Seller will be encrypted several times and stored on your own computer exclusively for the secure transmission of data to Amazon. Additionally, you can protect access to Total Seller with your own password.

Are all other listings undercut during repricing?

No. You can determine a minimum and maximum price for each price category and product. Total Seller calculates the best price within your price range.

You can design price adjustments according to your needs and strategies. For example, it is possible to only match your competitors' prices.

Is my listing price only reduced or also increased if necessary?

Total Seller determines your optimal price with automatic price adjustment. The price is lowered if necessary to improve your sales but also increased to grow your profits.

You can edit your price categories with a variety of settings and rules whereby you can influence the listing's price calculation so that you never lose any money.

Can I regularly check the latest listings and adjust my prices accordingly?

Yes. Total Seller automatically monitors prices in the background, 7 days a week around the clock.

Do I retain full control over my listings prices?

Yes. If you so desire, you can view and adjust any price in Total Seller before transferring it to Amazon. Moreover, you can specify that a price reduction i.e. of more than 5% needs your approval before its submission to Amazon.

How does Total Seller access my offers on Amazon?

Total Seller uses the Amazon MWS interface. You need to authorize the application once in Amazon Seller Central so that Total Seller can download and update your offers and orders. You can revoke the authorization at any time in Seller Central.

Can Total Seller monitor the prices if my computer is turned off?

You can also use the Internet Reprice Service of Total Seller, which checks the prices around the clock in real time independent of your computer, calculates new prices and transmits them to Amazon. Your computer does not have to be turned on. Total Seller and the Reprice Service are always synchronized. When you turn on your computer again, the new prices, which were calculated and transferred to Amazon while your computer was turned off, will be shown in Total Seller. When you make changes to your listings - such as the minimum or maximum price - they are immediately sent to the Reprice Service.

If you prefer to do all price calculations locally, Total Seller can "wake up" your computer for a short time to perform price checking. Once price checking completes, the computer returns to power save mode.

As another alternative, Total Seller can be deployed in the "Cloud". In other words, you can install Total Seller on a virtual Windows Server on the Internet instead of locally on your computer.

A "virtual server" is similar to a computer you rent for about $15 / month. This computer is operated 24 hours a day in a data center and enables you to work over the Internet using Windows Remote Desktop as if you were in front of your own computer.

Thus, you can operate Total Seller 24 hours a day and introduce the price adjustments desired while your computer is off. In addition, you can access your Virtual Server and Total Seller from any Windows, Mac or Linux computer provided with Internet access.

You retain the full control and security offered by Total Seller. You are never dependent on the service of a third party. We will help you to set up a Virtual Server.

Please don't hesitate to contact us should you have any issues or concerns.

You can also request your own test version today and get started with Total Seller in a few minutes to immediately increase your profits!

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